Strong character requires a strong physique. There is a half hour of physical training before breakfast, and nutritious meals are served by the clock: breakfast at 7:30 am, lunch at noon, and dinner at 5 pm.
Camp Cadet teens share in the duties of the day but it’s not all work and ceremony. Each day’s schedule includes ample recreation. There are ball games, swimming, fishing, miniature golf and competitive intramurals.
And cadets also learn that recreation carries its own unique responsibilities. Fish and game commissioners, martial arts instructors and other sports professionals instruct cadets in the correct way to safely engage in various sports and recreational activities. Participants also learn that using drugs & alcohol is not recreation but a danger to be avoided for a lifetime. Emergency skills like First Aid and CPR are also taught to Cadets.
Most importantly, cadets learn that through sports, physical activity and recreation, they can build productive teams, create winning strategies and learn how to problem-solve effectively. Sportsmanship is a 24-7 activity at Camp Cadet.